Microban Polo T-Shirt


This collection is manufactured with Microban technology which provides an extra layer of defense against unpleasant odors, stains and deterioration caused by bacteria. It ensures that this product stays fresher, longer.

SKU F00700SAUB13P Categories ,

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The prices displayed in our product collections are provided for your reference only and are subject to potential revisions.

To obtain a precise quote, please contact us with details regarding your desired quantity and customization requirements, and we will provide you with the most optimal pricing options available.


  • Material: 160 gsm, 100% Microban Polyester
  • Colours: Black, Grey, Navy Blue, White, Red


Additional information


20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500


1C logo on 1 spot, 2C logo on 1 spot, Full Colour logo on 1 spot, Embroidery logo on 1 spot